Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

JFRF recognizes that equity is not just a phrase, but something we are committed to internally and externally. We acknowledge that even while seeking to help, our organization is part of a dominant culture system. We understand the need to continually examine and address our biases, prejudices, and dominant culture assumptions, and improve as an organization by embedding diversity, equity and inclusion.

We commit to embody equity in our values and principles, including:

  • The worth and dignity of every aging person
  • The power of communities to decide for themselves
  • The importance of relationships, not just results
  • The value of listening and learning, not just talking and teaching
  • The contribution of different ways of thinking, speaking, deciding and acting

Operationalizing Our Values

We commit to apply diversity, equity and inclusion operationally across our organization, including how we:

  • Govern, advocate and establish policy
  • Allocate our resources
  • Operate, including our policies, procedures and practices
  • Populate, retain and develop our Board, staff and volunteers
  • Develop, implement and evaluate our programs
  • Partner, support and learn from communities
  • Advocate collaboratively against bias and prejudice in the aging system
  • Communicate about and market ourselves
  • Lead with age while focusing on intersection with race and other inequities
  • Evaluate, assess and report on our progress and continued work